
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sundried Tomato Squares (raw 'bread')

It smells so good walking into my pantry in the morning when these are ready. They make fabulous slices of bread for open or closed faced sandwiches, or raw bruschetta or cut into small squares and pop them in the dehydrator for another couple hours and use as crackers.

Sundried Tomato Squares 
    1 cup sundried tomatoes, soaked and squeezed
    2 cups sprouted buckwheat (I sometimes sub part oat groats)
    1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked and drained
    1-2 cloves garlic
    3-4 tablespoons flax seeds, soaked to make a gel
    1 tomato or 3/4 cup grape tomatoes
    1-2 tablespoons olive oil
    1 teaspoon salt, optional
    1 teaspoon Herbs De provence

1. Blend it all in a blender or food processor until a thick paste.

2. Spread evenly onto dehydrator trays.

3. Dehydrate at 105-110 degrees F for 3 hours or so, then flip carefully, and leave them in another 5 hours (or lower temperature to 100 degrees F and finish overnight).

Store in airtight container. Although these will be eaten up quickly, they do last a long time, we're talkin' 2 months or more!

Makes: 10 servings, Preparation time: 10-15 minutes, Cooking time: 3-8 hours dehydrate


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Thanks for your input!